Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Home Stretch

I'm terrified guys!  And normally when I become terrified I run....figuratively.  Yet I find it ironic that now, being the most terrified I can remember being my only job is to run...literally. 

28 days and counting.  My training has taken me to 16 miles.  Finished those in 2:26 and change.  This was also 6 weeks from marathon day.  I was so ahead of schedule, I decided to take an off week, make sure I wasn't over doing it to the point where I would injure myself before the actual run.

After the off week, I began to hit the pavement again on a rare Monday night, dodgeball timed perfectly in its off season to allow another night to run in my final month of training.  Feeling good and ready to begin the final stretch for what seems like a life time of training, I started my 'speed' run like a bullet, pacing at 6'20 for the first half mile.  I came upon the one hill, which is about two blocks long at a about a 20 degree slope and slowed it down to save room for the remaining 2 miles.  I completed the mile at just over 7' (my best mile yet).  Just as I passed about 1.5 miles a sharp and profound pain under my left foot shot through my whole left side and I had to stop running. It felt as if I had walked...no, ran...and landed right on top of a fist size rock.  I didn't remember run over anything that woudl make the type of pain I had.  But I just walked home and though everything would be better tomorrow.

It's now been 10 days.  The foot is still feeling a bit odd in some shoes, i.e. boots/heels, but I think I can start the runs again.

So I dive back into training this week. 

the last remaining training schedule is as follows:

Tuesday:  4 miles - speed run (sub 8min miles)
Wednesday: strength training/cross training
Thursday:  7 miles (2 m warm up - farlek 800m 10K speed, 400m jog - 1 mile cool jog)*
Friday: REST
Saturday: 14 miles (easy pace)
Sunday: Cross train/strength train- 3 hours

Monday: 6 miles

Tuesday:  4 miles - speed run (sub 8min miles)
Wednesday: strength training/cross training
Thursday:  9 miles (2 m warm up - farlek 800m 10K speed, 400m jog - 1 mile cool jog)*
Friday: REST
Saturday: 18 miles (easy pace)
Sunday: Cross train/strength train- 3 hours

Monday: 4 miles
Tuesday:  6 miles - speed run (sub 8min miles)
Wednesday: strength training/cross training
Thursday:  10 miles (2 m warm up - farlek 800m 10K speed, 400m jog - 1 mile cool jog)*
Friday: REST
Saturday: 20 miles (easy pace)
Sunday: Cross train/strength train- 3 hours

 Show me yours sibs, please!

1 comment:

  1. Guys -- we did it. Now, let's be smart and start to taper. During the taper time is when lots of injuries occur. Be smart. Don't over do it. You can run your race on race day -- not before. Keep your muscles engaged but not fatigued. If you are running more than 8 miles this Saturday, think again. If you run anything more than 10 miles total the week of the marathon -- think again. We will NOT run on Friday and on Saturday we will be watching tons of movies -- off of our feet; resting our legs. So, bring DVD's if need be but be prepared to be on our butts. Let's do it!

