Tuesday, June 15, 2010

No Fracture!!!

Alright...!!! Just got word that I have no fracture on my left lower leg. Wait, let me back up.

Had a kick ass Half on May 16th... Plan was to take 2 weeks off and join my Nike+ training schedule for 10/10/10 Chicago Marathon. World is great and as Molly would put it..."My Bitch."

During my 2 weeks off.. I hit the gym and rotate in some long neglected weight training.

May 25th (Tuesday).. felt a twitched in my left lower leg. Inside, near where the Soleous meets the bone... Nothing really new.. felt that before after some long runs. Paid no attention. Suck it up.

May 26th (Wednesday).. had a small 3K event at work that I organized for a charity (ironically for a co-worker based in Chicago, http://www.fightblindness.org/site/TR?fr_id=3140&pg=entry) .. ran great. 1.86 miles in 13 minutes... not too shabby... but real sore on my left lower leg.. feels like a bruise.

Memorial Day weekend. Wore nothing but flip flops and my left lower leg ("TP" = The Problem) continues to be very sore. WTF.. nothing has lingered like this. TP is F'N with my confidence. Postpone a 10.2 mile run from Sunday to Monday (Memorial Day). I was vacationing in a new place, mid-size state park, and running on trails.. Made it 5+ miles before I quit due to..#1 Africa hot, #2 TP.. I can now feel it when running.

I declare an additional 1 week rest.. But come June 7th, still TP is here and feeling like an achy bone.. I bitch and moan until Jennifer lays the same speech I laid on her a month back. I see a Doctor... God forbid.

X-ray later.. no fracture and another 2 weeks rest. 600 mg of Ibuprofen and ice are now my great friends. Nike+ program is scrapped and I need to find another. Sibs have offered up theirs. I have tons of material to look through and sure I'll find one. My next window to start running is the week of June 28th.

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